Portworx disaster recovery between on-prem and AWS EKS

Portworx disaster recovery between on-prem and AWS EKS

Introduction As a modern company you have started building cloud native applications and you’ve transformed to a DevOps way of working. But now you’ve been tasked with enabling disaster recovery for your Kubernetes environment. This procedure describes the steps required to setup disaster recovery between and on-premises environment and the public cloud (AWS EKS), however the technology describe can easily also be used for on-prem to on-prem or one cloud to another. Also while we are describing DR here, an…

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Install Portworx on EKS by AWS

Install Portworx on EKS by AWS

Introduction So you want to start using persistent storage for you Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) cluster on AWS? Let’s go ahead and deploy Portworx Enterprise! For this installation I’ll be using the Portworx Operator with makes both the installation of Portworx really easy, but also allows you to make changes afterwards, or do upgrades of the cluster easily. To make our live easy we’ll use the Cloud Drives integration for AWS, so that Portworx will automatically create the required EBS…

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Install Portworx on VMware vSphere cloud

Install Portworx on VMware vSphere cloud

Introduction So you want to start using persistent storage for you Kubernetes cluster, which runs on VMware vSphere? Let’s go ahead and deploy Portworx Enterprise! For this installation I’ll be using the Portworx Operator with makes both the installation of Portworx really easy, but also allows you to make changes afterwards, or do upgrades of the cluster easily. To make our live easy we’ll use the Cloud Drives integration for VMware, so that Portworx will automatically create the required virtual…

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Using the Ubuntu Cloud Image in VMware

Using the Ubuntu Cloud Image in VMware

When working in the Public Cloud, one of the nice things is that you have all the VM templates available and you can quickly deploy them and start building what ever you want on top of those. However, some of these features are also available to your own datacenter and in this post I will touch on using the Ubuntu Cloud Image as a template in VMware. In this earlier post I have shown the steps on how to create…

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PSO eXplorer Config Builder and Node Health Agent

PSO eXplorer Config Builder and Node Health Agent

The new version of PSO eXplorer that I just released now includes a Config Builder and Node Health Agent. So a good time for a blog on this new functionality. As a quick reminder, PSO eXplorer is the the graphical user interface for the Pure Storage CSI driver for Kubernetes that is called Pure Service Orchestrator. Is provides easy access for infrastructure administrators to manage the persistent storage in a Kubernetes infrastructure. TL;DR You can build a values.yaml file for…

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PURE BUILDERS ELASTIC: Beat and ingest pipeline

PURE BUILDERS ELASTIC: Beat and ingest pipeline

In this fourth post in this series, I’ll describe how to use an Ingest Node Pipeline to process our incoming documents. We will use the ingest pipeline to split the JSON log data we’ve created in our Python application, so that we can use the individual fields in Elastic for further processing. As a quick reminder, the purpose of this blog series is to write about the steps I took in my journey to build a teeny tiny data pipeline…

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Using Ansible on RedHat / CentOS 7

Using Ansible on RedHat / CentOS 7

Ansible is a great tool for automation and orchestration and is getting a lot of attention. However it can sometimes be challenging to get the latest version working on your environment. This blog covers how to install the latest version of Ansible on RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 7 environment. About RedHat/CentOS and Yum RedHat and CentOS have a great version control over the software versions that are distributed with each OS release. This provides reliability and compatibility through updates…

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In this third post in this series, I’ll describe how to deploy Elastic Search on Kubernetes using Elastic Cloud. We need this Elastic deployment to be able to ingest the logfiles that are created by the Python application that I’ve created in the first part of this series. As a quick reminder, the purpose of this blog series is to write about the steps I took in my journey to build a teeny tiny data pipeline using Python, Kubernetes and…

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PURE BUILDERS ELASTIC: Containerise my python app

PURE BUILDERS ELASTIC: Containerise my python app

In this second post in this series, I’ll describe how to containerise the Python application that I’ve created in my previous blog in this series. In this blog series I’ll write about the steps I took in my journey to build a teeny tiny data pipeline using Python, Kubernetes and ElasticSearch. The idea of the data pipeline I’m creating, is to use Python to export data from the FlashArray and FlashBlade to a log file and then ingest this data…

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Pure Builders Elastic: Getting started with Python

Pure Builders Elastic: Getting started with Python

This is the first in a series of blog posts, where I’ll write about the steps I took in my journey to build a teeny tiny data pipeline using Python, Kubernetes and ElasticSearch. The idea of the data pipeline I’m creating, is to use Python to export data from the FlashArray and FlashBlade to a log file and then ingest this data into ElasticSearch. In my example, I’ll be collecting volume statistics, such as size, used space and the data…

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